Our Northumberland – Northern Wilds

The apparent ‘wild’ ness of rural places can be (and often is) represented as dangerous, scary and is therefore isolating. In Britain, as human society moves further from the land, a detachment and a fear of wild places grows. There is an antidote to this fear: Northern Wilds

A few courageous souls have walked into the wild lands seeking to understand them and call them home. Walk through wild places with these people by your side and your perspective will shift. It will open your eyes to a beauty you were blind to before.

Linus & Louise at Northern Wilds are foragers, unearthing a living in one of the most remote locations in Britain. Firmly rooted in the woods; they are comfortable and at home. A walk through the forest with them will reveal the staggering variety of plant life at your feet and in the trees.

We often work with Northern Wilds because the bushcraft and foraging are perfect for team building days. One of our customers once said, ‘Before our walk with Linus, I would classify plant life using three categories… grass, shrubs, or trees. My eyes have been opened.’

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